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Feb 20, 2023
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Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)’s a fight to defend what’s yours. whatever that is! …我猜那是一场捍卫 你所拥有之物的战斗。 无论那到底是什么。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

um? well, I’d assume... 嗯? 我猜…

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

...I get this weird feeling... do you even know what fight I’m getting ready for? 我隐隐有一种感觉… 你是不是知道我将要 投身的战斗是什么…

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

claude... you say your memory issue is so bad that you can’t even remember our promise, and yet... 克洛德… 你说你记忆出了问题, 甚至记不清我们的约定, 但…

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

use all items available, and learn as much as possible when you get a chance. 用尽所有你能用的, 学光一切你能学的。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

and since god agni seems to be on your side, there’s nothing to be hesitant about. 还有阿格尼大人似乎也站在你这边, 那就没有什么可担心的了。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

now that god chandra’s no longer here to stand in your way... 既然现在旃陀罗大人 不会妨碍你了…

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

let’s ask god agni to go to kalibloom as soon as he gets back. 等阿格尼大人一回来, 我们就跟他说要前往卡莉布鲁姆。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

if anyone on this planet can teach you weapon-related skills, it’s teo. 如果说这颗星球上有谁能 教给你武器相关的技巧, 也就只有泰奥了.

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

even if she doesn’t know anything about that particular spear, ask her if she could teach you other combat skills. 就算她没有和这支矛相关的情报, 你也可以找她学习其他的斗技.

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

I’m assuming that’s why it’s been in storage all this time, unlike the bracelet. 我想就是因此, 这支矛才不像手镯一样, 而一直被丢在仓库里.

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

nothing about its transcendental has been known, let alone its advantages. 连超越技都没发现, 更别提什么优点了。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

you really don’t know where I could get some information about this item? 你真的不知道我在哪里能 得到些有用的信息吗?

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

claude. you said this spear was also part of golden knight, right? 克洛德,你之前说过 这支矛也是黄金骑士的一部分, 是吗?

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

ah, um... most people still have no idea what to do with the transcendental even when they know about them in advance, you know? 那个,呃… 通常来说就算提前知道了超越技, 大多数人也无法使用,

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)


10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

and yet, I continued to believe asha was my best bet and confined myself. it was all me. 但是,我却依旧坚信阿瑟是我最好的选择, 封闭自我…都是我自作自受.

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

I could’ve broken out of my shell to find myself a teacher and broaden my social life. 我早就可以打破心灵围墙, 给自己找个老师,拓宽交际圈…

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

while it was true that I felt fenced in psychologically, nothing physical kept me barred from the outside world. 实际上只是我的精神束缚了自己, 没有谁阻止我接触外面的世界…

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

but who was the fool that kept believing in asha, hoping for a silver lining? 但是那个傻瓜还心怀着一线希望, 对阿瑟深信不疑…

10 days ago
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