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Ain Syaf

gold Malay 1000

Jan 30, 2024
Powerpuff Girls Team >

Translated Sentences Total 4131

MAY Malay 4131

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Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

EEEEEEH???!!! Eh???!!!

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

IS THIS A FORM OF WELCOMING? Ini suatu bentuk ucapan selamat datang ke?

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

IS THIS… WHAT I THINK IT IS? Adakah ini...macam apa yang aku fikirkan?

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

AH… Ah....

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

ACK! WHAT’S ALL THIS? Eh! Apa semua ni?

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)


20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

WHAT THE… Apakah...

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

......? ...?

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

……??? ...???

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

UH…? Eh...?

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)


20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)


20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)


20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)


20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)


20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

STAY ALERT. Hati-hati.

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)


20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

I SEE… OH, LIGHT. THIS MUST BE IT. Oh macam tu...Eh, lampu. Ini mesti tempatnya.

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

SO I’M CONSTANTLY BEING CHASED, BUT I’M NOT ALWAYS MISUNDERSTOOD. Sebab tu aku selalu dikejar, tapi aku tak ada lah salah faham.

20 days ago
Magician Ep. 129 - The Garden of the God (2)

WHEN THOSE STORIES BECOME A FEW HUNDRED YEARS OLD, THEY OFTEN EVOLVE INTO THIS KIND OF ABSURD MYTH. Bila cerita tu dah beratus tahun lamanya, mulalah berubah jadi mitos macam ni.

20 days ago