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gold Malay 1000

Feb 01, 2024
Powerpuff Girls Team >

Translated Sentences Total 5824

MAY Malay 5824

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Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

BUT IT WILL TAKE SOME TIME AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I'LL SEE HIM AGAIN. Akan ambil masa dan tak tau sama ada aku akan berjumpa dengannya lagi.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

BUT I WILL BE. Tapi akan kuat.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

NOW, I’M NOT STRONG ENOUGH YET. Aku belum cukup kuat sekarang.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

THAT BASTARD. Lelaki tak guna itu.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

THE REASON MUST BE... Mesti sebab...

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

YOU’LL GO WITH ME? Kau nak pergi denganku?

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

NOW, THE REST IS UP TO HIM. Selebihnya bergantung kepada dia.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

I ALREADY ANSWERED TO HIM. Aku dah beri dia jawapan.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH ENZ? Kau nak buat apa dengan Enz?

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

I'VE ALREADY BEEN HERE FOR A WEEK. I MUST GO FIND ANOTHER LEAD. Dah seminggu aku dekat sini. Aku mesti cari petunjuk lain.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

ARE YOU LEAVING? Kau dah nak pergi?

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

BUT THERE ARE THINGS I REALIZED WHILE STAYING HERE, SO... Tapi ada perkara yang aku sedar sepanjang berada di sini...

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

I’M STUCK... Aku buntu...

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

THAT’S DISAPPOINTING. I THOUGHT I COULD FIND IT HERE. Mengecewakan. Aku ingat boleh jumpa dekat sini.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 12 - The Beginning of the Journey (3)

IT DOESN'T MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT THE SPELL OF IMMORTALITY. Tak ada sebut apa-apa tentang mantera keabadian.

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 11 - The Beginning of the Journey (2)

TO BE CONTINUED Bersambung...

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 11 - The Beginning of the Journey (2)

ENZ... Enz...

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 11 - The Beginning of the Journey (2)

TAKE ME WITH YOU WHEN YOU LEAVE! Bawa aku sekali kalau kau pergi!

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 11 - The Beginning of the Journey (2)

ENZ? Enz?

7 days ago
Magician Ep. 11 - The Beginning of the Journey (2)

UH? Uh?

7 days ago