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Queen Irinna
June 16, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 96

MAY Malay 96

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The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

everything will become abnormal and change. semua akan menjadi abnormal dan berubah.

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

then... kemudian...

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

change. per- ubahan.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

few. sedikit.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

abnormality. ke- abnormalan.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

no. tiada.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

change. kecil.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

little. per- ubahan.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

see you later, hadelaward! Jumpa LAGI, hadelaward!

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

I’ll take my leave now! SAYA AKAN MINTA DIRI SEKARANG!

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

hahahaha! HAHAHAHA!

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

hahahaha! you’re causing abnormality and rifts already?! HAHAHA! AWAK SUDAH MENYEBABKAN KEABNORMALAN DAN RETAKAN?

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

heh... huh...

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

so it will be with you. BEGITU JUGA DENGAN AWAK.

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

that which has changed will change. yang telah berubah akan berubah.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

that which is fixed will become unfixed. yang dibaiki akan menjadi rosak.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

danger incoming! ANCAMAN!

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

good. bagus.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

that’s not. itu tidak.

17 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

no. tidak.

17 days ago
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