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Queen Irinna
June 16, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 96

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The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

jin dajeon. the harem king. JIN DAJEON. RAJA HAREM.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

home. RUMAH.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

his home. RUMAH DIA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

it’s his home. INI RUMAHNYA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

ahhhhh. AHHHHH.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

ahhh. AHHH.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

ahhh. AHHH.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

ah. AH.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

haha! yup! it couldn’t have been anyone else! HAHA! IYA! TIADA SIAPA LAGI YANG MUNGKIN BOLEH!

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

aha! I knew it’d be you! AHA! SAYA DAH AGAK MESTI KAMU!

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

now, I wonder which outer god will visit first? SEKARANG, DEWA ANGKASA MANA YANG AKAN DATANG DAHULU?

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

I can’t wait! SAYA TIDAK SABAR!

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

I wonder if those fun and exciting days will come back. SAYA TERTANYA-TANYA JIKA KESERONOKAN HARI-HARI DAHULU AKAN KEMBALI.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

wow, this takes me back. it was like this back then too. WOW! INI MENGIMBAU KEMBALI KENANGAN DAHULU. SITUASI DULU JUGA SEBEGINI.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

seems like it, considering he’s still not here... NAMPAKNYA BEGITU, TIADA APA-APA YANG KELUAR DI SINI...

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

has jihan han not discovered this place yet? KAWASAN INI TIDAK TERJEJAS LAGI?

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

the creatures that pop out are killing each other and gnawing on each other’s corpses! MAKHLUK-MAKHLUK YANG KELUAR SEDANG MEMBUNUH SESAMA SENDIRI DAN MEMAKAN BANGKAI-BANGKAI SESAMA SENDIRI.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

dimensional rifts are forming around the light, and all sorts of things are pouring out of them. RETAKAN DIMENSI SEDANG TERBENTUK DI SEKITAR CAHAYA ITU DAN SEGALA MAKHLUK MUNCUL KELUAR DARINYA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

that light is extra-dimensional mana! CAHAYA ITU MANA DIMENSI LAIN!

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

ahahaha! this is awesome! AHAHAHA! INI SESUATU YANG HEBAT!

15 days ago
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