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Queen Irinna
June 16, 2024

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The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

but if a hole forms in gaia and minions or monsters from other dimensions invade the real world... TETAPI JIKA ADA LUBANG TERHASIL DALAM GAIA DAN MAKHLUK ATAU RAKSASA DARI DIMENSI LAIN MENCEROBOH DUNIA SEBENAR...

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

she also killed evildoers in order to lower ordinary people’s stress levels. DIA JUGA MEMBUNUH ORANG JAHAT UNTUK MENGAWAL TAHAP TEKANAN RAKYAT BIASA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

yeonhwa of poison dealt with those kinds of demons. YEONHWA SI PERACUN BERURUSAN DENGAN JENIS IBLIS SEBEGITU.

14 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

demons usually hunt humans - that is, they leave the illusionary world and kidnap humans to bring back. kebiasaannya, iblis memburu manusia dengan meninggalkan dunia ilusi dan menculik manusia untuk dibawa pulang.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

that mental power comes together to become minions... IMAGINASI ITU AKAN BERGABUNG DAN MENGHASILKAN MAKHLUK RAKSASA...

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

...which evolve into demons. ... YANG JUGA AKAN BERTUKAR MENJADI iblis.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

right, because when ordinary people run into minions and suffer, their stress causes mental power to gush out of them. APABILA ORANG BIASA BERHADAPAN DENGAN RAKSASA DAN MENDERITA, TEKANAN MEREKA MENYEBABKAN IMAGINASI MENGALIR KELUAR DARI DIRI MEREKA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

if that happens, mental power will skyrocket, and minions will spawn at an unimaginable rate. JIKA ITU BERLAKU, IMAGINASI AKAN MELONJAK DAN MAKHLUK-MAKHLUK MELANGKAUI BATAS IMAGINASI AKAN MUNCUL.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

the sanction that happens when powers are used in front of ordinary people in the real world may not trigger. JIKA KUASA DIGUNAKAN DALAM DUNIA REALITI DEPAN ORANG BIASA, "SANCTION" MUNGKIN TIDAK AKAN BERLAKU.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

it won’t be pretty, will it? PASTI TERUK PADAHNYA NANTI.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

There is a time limit... ADA HAD MASA...

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

if I fail this, then... JIKA AKU GAGAL INI,

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

[mandatory quest: seal the dimensional rifts] one of the nine gates has collapsed. you must seal the dimensional rifts that have begun to open up in the real world. dimensional rifts: 28 quest reward: the gaia system’s complete preservation. quest failure penalty: the gaia system’s incomplete preservation. time limit: 21:19 [MISI WAJIB: BAIKI RETAKAN DIMENSI] SATU DARIPADA SEMBILAN PINTU DIMENSI TELAH RUNTUH. ANDA DIKEHENDAKI UNTUK MENUTUP RETAKAN DIMENSI YANG SUDAH MULA MUNCUL DI DUNIA YANG SEBENAR. RETAKAN DIMENSI: 28 GANJARAN MISI: Pemeliharaan sistem gaia sepenuhnya. PENALTI KEGAGALAN MISI: Kegagalan memelihara sistem gaia. HAD MASA: 21:19 minit

14 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

all of this is because of this freaking mandatory quest. semua ini hanya kerana pencarian wajib ini.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

like the tongcheon gyoju and lord jincheon... seperti tongcheon gyoju dan tuan jincheon...

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

even though it’s called companion dispatch, I can also dispatch subordinates, walaupun dipanggil menghantar individu, saya juga boleh menghantar subordinat.

15 days ago
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