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gold Polish 1000

Aug 11, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 1121

POL Polish 1121

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Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

I made it just the way you like, gustang. ZROBIŁEM GO TAK JAK LUBISZ, GUSTANG

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

this is a living labyrinth. TO JEST ŻYWY LABIRYNT.

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

yes, my lord. DOBRZE, PANIE

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

seize that fool for me. ZŁAP DLA MNIE TEGO GŁUPCA.

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

holan. HOLAN.

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210 steal the chess piece in his pocket! ...ŻEBY UKRAŚĆ FIGURKĘ Z JEGO KIESZENI!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

I need to find some way... MUSZĘ ZNALEŹĆ JAKIŚ SPOSÓB...

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

what am I going to do?! CO MAM ZROBIĆ?!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

that was a close call! he almost killed me just now! MAŁO BRAKOWAŁO! PRAWIE MNIE ZABIŁ!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

! !

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

you little thief! how dare you try to steal that from me! TY MAŁA ZŁODZIEJKO! JAK ŚMIESZ PRÓBOWAĆ MI TO UKRAŚĆ!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

so close! TAK BLISKO!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

argh! ARGH!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

! !

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210 all costs! ...ZA WSZELKĄ CENĘ!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

I need to get it back... MUSZĘ JĄ ODZYSKAĆ...

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

the guy who took my chess piece! GOŚĆ, KTÓRY ZABRAŁ MI MOJĄ FIGURĘ!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

hey, that’s him! HEJ! TO ON!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

...there’s still hope for us! ...NADAL JEST DLA NAS NADZIEJA!

4 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 210

as long as I have this king... TAK DŁUGO, JAK MAM TEGO KRÓLA...

4 days ago