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Menam Maroto
Sep 20, 2024
Arabic, English

Translated Sentences Total 261

ARA Arabic 261

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Lady Liar Episode 54

Maybe the real mistake was NOT turning my head? ربما المشكلة الحقيقية قد لا تكون في التفات رأسي

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

Wait a minute... انتظري لحظة

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

That would have been terrible. قد تحدث مشكلة

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

I could’ve turned my head by mistake like that other time. من الممكن أن تلتفت رأسي بالغلط مثلما حدث من قبل

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

Careful when you kiss me on the cheek! احذري عندما تقبليني علي خدي!

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

And I apologize for hitting you in the nose. وانا اعتذر علي ضربك في الانف

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

chuick! امواه!

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

Thank you for coming for me. And for not leaving me alone in a storm like that. شكرا لقدومك الي. وعدم تركي في عاصمة كهذه

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

I think Bertrán Manrique has good qualities, too. اعتقد ان بيرتران منركيو لديه صفات جيدة ايضا

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

It's hard to live up to the disgustingly perfect Bertrán Delacroix. انه من الصعب العيش ك بيرتران ديلكروكس المثير للاشمئزاز

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 54

Pft! What a hero I make. بفتت! أبدوا كبطل

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

SH ششششششش

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

WHI وييي

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

HUFF وووووف

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

HUFF هووووف

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

HUFF هوووف

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

HUFF هوووف

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

HUFF هوووف

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

HUFF هوووف

7 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 2] Ep.60

HUFF هوووف

7 days ago