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Oct 02, 2024
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Translated Sentences Total 1564

JPN Japanese 1564

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Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

gah! がっ!

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

...and make my way over to the arena! アリーナへの道を あけてもらおうか!

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

I want nothing more than to wipe that smug look off your face... 君のその余裕ぶった表情を 歪ませるためにね!

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

but I’m dead serious right now. ただね 今だけは私も必死だよ...

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

of course, neither of us wants to use up too much of our energy here. 当たり前さ 君も私も ここで力を使い切るわけには いかないのだから

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

you think I’m not trying my hardest? I’m offended. 私が本気を出していないと?

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

fist of gorgones. ゴルゴンの鉄拳

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

left arm alone. 左腕特化

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

shinsu reinforcement. 神の水強化術

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

...I’ll have to push you aside, and it won’t be pretty! てめーをぶっ飛ばして さっさと終わりにしてやるぜ!

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

if you keep boring me like this... このままつまんねー闘い 続けるってんなら

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

there’s actually someone else here that I need to fight, so I’d rather not waste my energy. 他にもやり合わなきゃいけねー相手が いるんでな これ以上体力の消耗はなしだ

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

if you’re not going to fight me seriously, then I refuse to give you even one more second of my time. お前が俺と本気でやる気がねーってんなら 俺ももう一秒たりとも 俺の時間をくれてやる気はねえ

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

hey, this won’t do. おい やめだ

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

against urek mazino?! このウレック・マジノを相手にか!?

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

this guy is holding back against me? 俺を相手に手加減だと⁉

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

is he not fighting his hardest because I’m not his main target? 俺が今回の目的じゃねーから 本気を出してないって腹か?

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

he wasn’t this weak when I fought him briefly before. 昔ちょっとやり合った時も ここまで弱くはなかった

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

strange. he shouldn’t be this easy to beat. おかしい... こんな簡単に倒せるやつじゃ なかったはずだ

12 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 183

but could you tone down the attitude? とりあえず おとなしくしといてくれる?

12 days ago