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Sep 19, 2023
Indonesian, English

Translated Sentences Total 1646

IND Indonesian 1265 ENG English 381

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Lady Liar Episode 64

I got the idea of pretending there’s a compatibility quiz in the newspaper. Aku punya ide berpura-pura ada kuis kompatibilitas di koran.

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Well, since you insist, yes, we have a new plan. Nah, karena Anda bersikeras, ya, kita punya rencana baru.

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

It must be hard to be so different from one another! Pasti sulit untuk begitu berbeda satu sama lain!

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Yes, they argue a lot. Ya, mereka banyak berdebat.

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Goodness, did you see that? I think they were arguing! Astaga, kau lihat itu? aku pikir mereka berdebat!

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

It doesn’t matter. I’m not sure it was ever a good idea. Itu tidak penting. aku tidak yakin itu ide yang baik.

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Dammit, we haven’t decided on the questions for the quiz! Sialan, kita belum memutuskan pertanyaan untuk kuis!

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Yes! Ya!

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Bertrán, Mrs. Linnea! Are you coming?! Bertrán, Ny. Linnea! Kau ikut?

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Of course not! Tentu saja tidak!

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

And it doesn't need to happen anymore! Dan itu tidak perlu terjadi lagi!

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Zero expectations, and hurting no one. Tidak ada harapan, dan tidak menyakiti siapa pun.

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Exactly, two single friends sharing! Tepat, dua orang teman berbagi!

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

After all, it was just two friends… two single friends sharing… errr… Lagi pula, itu hanya dua orang teman… teman berbagi… errr…

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Or maybe we should forget about it. Atau mungkin kita harus melupakannya.

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Maybe we should fix that. Mungkin kita harus memperbaikinya.

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

I know. Aku tahu.

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

And it’s not every time we are alone! Dan tidak setiap saat kita sendirian!

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

Could you stop bringing that up?! Bisakah kau berhenti mengungkitnya?

15 hours ago
Lady Liar Episode 64

But every time I’m alone with a certain gentleman, things happen! Tapi setiap kali aku sendirian dengan seorang pria tertentu, sesuatu terjadi!

15 hours ago