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gold Indonesian 1000

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Sep 19, 2023
Indonesian, English

Translated Sentences Total 1770

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Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

drip menetes

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

my pen! pulpenku!

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

ugh! ugh!

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

splat splat

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

splat splat

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

splat splat

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

...I can use the abilities of previous bodies that I’ve taken over as well! ...Aku bisa menggunakan kemampuan dari tubuh sebelumnya yang telah kuambil alih juga!

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

by doing this... dengan melakukan ini...

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

glurp g l u r p

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

dart dart

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

dash dash

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

glurp glurp

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

although this isn’t one of the blessings I received from the administrator. Meskipun ini bukan salah satu berkat yang aku terima dari administrator.

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

...and take over their body. ...dan mengambil alih tubuh mereka.

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

grin senyum

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

as long as the right conditions are met, I can possess any living man in this tower... Selama kondisi yang tepat terpenuhi, aku bisa merasuki setiap manusia yang hidup di menara ini...

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

bash bash

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

swish swish

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

he entered bellerire’s body! Dia memasuki tubuh Bellerire!

6 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 198

smirk tersenyum

6 days ago