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gold Turkish 1000

July 08, 2018
English, Indonesian

Translated Sentences Total 16266

TUR Turkish 16266

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Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

and if you don't like how the world works... VE EĞER DÜNYANIN İŞLEYİŞİ HOŞUNA GİTMİYORSA...

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

...but the world ain't gonna bat an eye. ...AMA DÜNYA GÖZÜNÜ BİLE KIRPMAZ.

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

a nobody like you can cry foul all you want... SENİN GİBİ Bİ HİÇ İSTEDİĞİ GİBİ AĞLAYABİLİR...

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

you can only change things if you get to the top! SADECE ZİRVEDEKİLER BİŞEYLERİ DEĞİŞTİREBİLİR!

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

you said it yourself! KENDİN SÖYLEDİN!

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

and that's why I have to become twice as strong! for him! O YÜZDEN ONUN ADINA DA DAHA GÜÇLÜ OLMAK ZORUNDAYIM!

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

dun D U N

13 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

you're right! it was my fault! HAKLISINIZ! BENİM HATAMDI!

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

it's because of you that he...! SENİN YÜZÜNDEN O...!

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81


12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

if it wasn't for you...! EĞER SEN OLMASAYDIN...!

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

the only reason you got to where you are now is thanks to kazuma! ŞU ANDA OLDUĞUN YERE GELMENİN TEK SEBEBİ KAZUMA!

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

let's make one thing clear. BİŞEYİ AÇIKLIĞA KAVUŞTURALIM.

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

ha... HA...

13 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

the best cyclist in the world? don't make me laugh. DÜNYANIN EN İYİSİ Mİ? GÜLDÜRME BENİ.

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

...I'll become the best cyclist in the world. ...DÜNYADAKİ EN İYİ BİSİKLETÇİ OLACAĞIM.

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

clench SIKAR

13 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

I swear... YEMİN EDERİM...

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

...that promise. ...BEN DEVRALMAK İSTİYORUM.

12 hours ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.81

I'd like to inherit... O SÖZÜ...

12 hours ago