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gold Turkish 1000

July 08, 2018
English, Indonesian

Translated Sentences Total 19282

TUR Turkish 19282

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Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

where the hell... HANGİ CEHENNEMDEN...

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

w-w-what?!?! NE NE NE NE?!?!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

hup! HOP!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

one!~♪ two! BİR!~♪ İKİ!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

huh...? HUH...?

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

one! two!~♪ BİR! İKİ!~♪

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

no one! HİÇ KİMSE!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102 one rides faster than me. ...KİMSE BENDEN DAHA HIZLI SÜREMEYECEK.

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

from this day on... BUNDAN SONRA...

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

let this image be imprinted in your brains! BU GÖRÜNTÜYÜ BEYNİNİZE KAZIYIN!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

keep all your eyes on me, maggots! GÖZLERİNİZİ BENDEN AYIRMAYIN KURTÇUKLAR!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

this stuff is amazing! mwahahaha ha!!! İŞTE BU HARİKA! MUHAHAHAHA!!!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

now this is what I'm talking about! BEN DE BUNDAN BAHSEDİYORDUM!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

keke... that's right. HEHE... İŞTE BU.

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

I knew it. BİLİYORDUM.

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

...! ...!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

what...?! NE...?!

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

how interesting. ÇOK İLGİNÇ.

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

what was that just now...? O DA NEYDİ ŞİMDİ...?

1 day ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.102

just how is he-- NASIL OLUYOR DA--

1 day ago