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brestain C

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Oct 30, 2020

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Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

I’m the only nastika that remains, you say… 你说我族除了我以外的 纳斯提卡都灭绝了...

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

but look at you, making enemies with everyone else to defend that freaking thing that’ll bring us disaster! why?! 但是你却为了捍卫 那只会给我们带来灾难的该死的东西 而与所有人为敌!为什么?!

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

if you knew how a nastika could fight using the body of a fifth-stage rakshasa, you should’ve shared that know-how with all of us for the greater good of the sura realm… 如果你知道纳斯提卡如何 使用第五阶段罗刹娑的身体来战斗, 你应该把你的知识分享给我们所有人, 为了修罗世界着想...

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

was this… the reason why you’ve made all that sacrifice to go all in for one strong child? 这就是你为了一个强壮的孩子 做出那么多牺牲的原因吗?

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

…I’m looking at garuda. 就好像是迦楼罗一样.

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

even the way he moves is completely different. it’s as if… 就连他行动的方式都 完全变了.就好像...

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

whaaat…? look at him. was he always able to take out his wings like that? 什么??看看那个家伙, 他之前可以这样展翅吗?

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

you’ll have to figure out how to take out the rest. 你需要自己去搞清楚如何展开 剩下的四翼.

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

…but I can only take out two of them for you. ..但是我只能帮你展开两翼.

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

you have a total of six wings… 你总共有六翼...

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

there’s a maximum total mass capacity for your weapons and shields. be fast to create and dismantle them as you go so you can prepare for the upcoming situation. 你的武器和防护装备有最大总质量限制。 在战斗中要迅速制造和拆除它们, 以便为可能到来的情况做好准备。

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

there won’t be many chances I could teach you, so… 以后没有机会再 指导你了,所以...

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

…watch closely and learn how I use this body to fight. ...认真看认真学,看看我 是怎么用这具身体 来战斗的.

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

alright. from now… 好了,从现在开始...

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

f-father?! 父亲?!

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

good job, maruna. 做得好,马卢拉.

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

I guess you’ve developed without the help of an item… 我猜你的成长没有 使用那件物品...

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

I don’t really feel any restraints moving the body. 移动这具身体时 没有感到任何束缚。

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

I guess this won’t be enough to kill you since you’re ravana’s offspring. 我猜这不足以杀死你, 因为你是拉瓦娜的子嗣.

6 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 290 - Kubera and Kubera (26)

you lost because you undermined my power and chose to distribute your power into multiple bodies. 你输了,因为你低估了我的 实力并且选择把你的力量 分散在多个身体上.

6 days ago