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Emily Low
June 05, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 136

MAY Malay 136

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Lady Liar Episode 36

Of course I forgive you, child, but I’m not sure if the word cosmopolitan is— Tentulah saya akan maafkan kamu, adik, tapi saya rasa perkataan sofistikated itu mungkin tak-

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

I’m so sorry, Mister! Minta maaf, Encik!

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

These streets are so confusing! Jalan-jalan sini amat membingungkan!

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36


17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Haha, we can’t hide our provincial airs, can we? Haha, gaya kampung kita ini terlalu ketara kan?

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

This store is so much bigger than the one back home!! Kedai ini jauh lebih besar daripada kedai di kampung kita!!

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

I’ve… I’ve done it a couple of times, no more. Saya...saya pernah melancong beberapa kali sahaja.

18 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

What about you, Mrs. Linnea? Bagaimana dengan kamu, Cik Linnea?

18 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Yes, and I think it’s somewhat fun! Betul, saya rasa agak seronoklah!

18 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Safe travels, my children. Selamat perjalanan, anak-anakku.

18 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Yes, I think so. Ya, rasanya ada masa lagi.

18 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Will we have time to go to the museums, the shops, and the theater, Master Giordano?! Adakah kami ada masa mengunjungi muzium, kedai-kedai, dan teater di sini Tuan Giordano?!

18 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Any questions? Ada apa-apa soalan?

18 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

And I’ll meet you at the hall of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts at eight o’clock to attend the welcome party. Saya akan bertemu dengan kalian di dewan Akademi Seni Halus Diraja pada pukul 8 untuk menghadiri parti penyambutan.

18 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

After checking in at the hotel, you’ll have some free time to explore. Selepas berdaftar masuk ke dalam hotel, cik-cik akan ada masa lapang untuk berjalan-jalan.

15 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Alright, if all goes according to plan, you’ll arrive in Alcott before lunch. Baiklah, jika segalanya berjalan seperti yang dirancang, cik-cik akan sampai di Alcott sebelum waktu makan tengah hari.

15 days ago
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