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Dienan Aulia

bronze English 300

June 25, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 331

ENG English 331

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Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Grt! grab!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Kalian sekeluarga pasti sudah berakhir menjadi onggokan daging di dalam truk mayat! Your whole family would've ended up as a hunk of meat in a corpse truck!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

J@l*ng tidak tahu terima kasih! Kalau bukan karena aku.... Ungrateful bi**h! If it wasn't for me...

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Ka...kamu kalau tidak salah kenalannya Nirmala kan!?'re nirmala's acquaintance right!?

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Hmph, kurasa aku akan bebas karena yang aku hilangkan nyawanya adalah orang - orang yang hendak membantai satu keluarga, jadi ini masuknya pembelaan diri. Hmph, I think I'm gonna get away with it 'cause the ones I've murdered are people who tried to slaughter a family, so this counts as self-defense.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

H i i i i ! e e e e k !

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

W a a a a ! A a a a a !

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Ups, aku nggak sengaja melindas beberapa warga. Apakah aku akan dikenakan pasal kelalaian atau pembunuhan tidak disengaja? Oops, I accidentally ran over some civilian. Will I be charged with negligence or accidental murder?

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

K h

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

A s

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

u a

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

B c

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

P l o p p l o p

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Begitu ya, hmmm...Kita lihat saja nanti. I see, hmmm... we'll see about that.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Mungkin kakak salah ingat atau mukaku memang pasaran. Maybe you're mistaken or my face is very common.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Tidak. No, we haven't.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Karena barusan aku seperti mengalami Dejavu. 'Cause it felt like I just had a Deja vu.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Okelah kalau begitu. Tapi sebelumnya aku ingin memastikan satu hal... okay, then. But first I want to make sure of one thing...

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Kalau ternyata ini jebakan, kita sikat aja langsung dia dan cabut. Toh dia cuma orang biasa. If this turns out to be a trap, let's just beat him up and leave. He's just a regular guy anyway.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Menurutku kita coba tengok dulu saja ritual yang dia maksud, Sudah tak ada waktu lagi, kita harus secepat- nya menemukan orang tua Nirmala. I think we take a look at the ritual he's talking about first. there's no time left, we need to find Nirmala's parents as soon as possible.

13 days ago