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Dienan Aulia

bronze English 300

June 25, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 331

ENG English 331

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Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Bantu aku menyelinap ke dalam ritual itu untuk menemukan nenekku dan kalian pun mungkin bisa menemu- kan orang - orang yang kalian cari. Help me sneak into that ritual to find my grandmother and you might also find the people you've been looking for.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Hanya kalian yang bisa membantuku. Only you guys can help me.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Semua orang di sini sudah terhipnotis oleh Nephilim. Tak ada yang bisa kumintai tolong. Everyone here has been hypnotized by Nephilim. There's no one I can come to for help.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Kalau ada pelantikan lagi kemungkinan itu adalah untuk para pengungsi yang belum menunjukkan gejala - gejala perubahan. If there is another inauguration, it may be for the refugees who have not shown any transformation symptoms.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Setahuku seluruh penduduk kota ini sudah menerima darah Nephilim. As far as I'm concerned, this entire town has received Nephilim's blood.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Aku dengar malam ini akan diadakan ritual pelantikan Enlightened Ones yang baru. I heard tonight there'll be a new Enlightened Ones inauguration ritual.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Nenekku tinggal di Desa Beringin. Aku juga sedang mencari beliau. My grandmother lived in Beringin Village. I'm looking for her, too.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Aku sudah sampaikan pada orang tuaku bahwa pasti ada yang tak beres pada darah itu, tapi mereka tak mau mendengar. I told my parents that there must be something wrong with that blood, but they wouldn't listen.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Aku tak bisa mempercayai sosok seperti itu! I can't trust a person like that!

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Memang dia kira dirinya Tuhan. Memutuskan siapa yang hidup dan siapa yang mati sekehendak hatinya. He thinks he's God? Deciding who lives and who dies as he pleases.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Dia hanya memilih segelintir orang untuk diselamatkan dan membiarkan sisanya untuk mati. He chooses only a handful of people to save and leaves the rest to die.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Tidak! No!

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Trus, kau sendiri gimana? Kau pasti juga sudah menerima darahnya kan? Then, what about you? You must have also received his blood, right?

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Bahkan mampu menyembuhkan, apabila gejala masih di tahap awal. It can even heal, if the symptoms are still in the early stages.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Karena ia selalu mengenakan topeng aneh saat tampil di depan umum. Because he always wears a strange mask when he's appearing in public.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Nama, wajah, maupun umurnya. His name, face, even age.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Siapa sih dia itu? Who in the world is he?

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Jinn gila berhasil diberantas, orang - orang terhindar dari mutasi. Crazy jinns finally eradicated, people avoided from mutations.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Dulu lebih sepi lagi kak. Pas Impact pertama kali melanda dunia. It was quieter before, bro. when the impact first hit the world.

13 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 11 - The Ritual (1)

Manusia abis lama - lama cak. slowly humans will be gone

13 days ago