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Dienan Aulia

bronze English 300

June 25, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 331

ENG English 331

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Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Ayah maklum sih. Waktu dia main ke rumah kita, psikis ibu kan masih terganggu sehingga tidak begitu ingat siapa saja yang datang. I understand. When he visited our house, your psyche was still disturbed so you didn't really remember who came.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Masa ibu tidak ingat padanya? you really don't remember him?

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Mantul! Pasti ibu sangat terkesan dengan senyum dan sikap ramahku. excellent! I'm sure aunt is very impressed with my smile and friendly attitude.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Pst whisper

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Pst pst

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

A....ayah, teman Nirmala yang satu ini kok... agak lain ya? h...honey, this one nirmala's friend is... kind of strange, huh?

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Pst whisper

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

D e g t h u m p

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Dia sudah tidak sabar untuk berkumpul kembali dengan ayah dan ibu. sHe can't wait to reunite with mom and dad.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Ibu tidak usah cemas. Nirmala hanya kecapekan karena terlalu memaksakan diri. You don't have to worry, Aunt. Nirmala is just tired from overexerting herself.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Nirmala sedang sakit!? Apa kondisi- nya parah? Nirmala is sick!? Is her condition bad?

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Nirmala tidak bisa ikut karena harus berisitirahat. Nirmala couldn't come because she needed to rest.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Okelah kalau begitu. Belum terlambat untuk memperbaiki semuanya. okay, then. It's not too late to fix everything.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Mungkin selama ini aku kurang senyum, sehingga menimbulkan kesan kurang baik di hadapan orang tua Nirmala. Maybe all this time I haven't smile much, so it made a bad impression in front of Nirmala's parents.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Setelah dipikir -pikir, omongan cicak ada benarnya juga. On second thought, what he said has a good point.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Tapi kebangetan dah. Kita kan udah jalan tiga tahun... but this is too much, we've been in a relationship for 3 years...

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Memang sih Nirmala itu anaknya polos dan isi kepalanya agak kurang. Mungkin dia malu curhat soal asmara kepada orang tuanya. Indeed, Nirmala is innocent and a bit soft-headed. Maybe she's embarrassed to talk about romance to her parents.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Masa Nirmala nggak pernah cerita tentang aku setiap dia video call-an sama ibunya? Didn't Nirmala ever tell her about me each time she video called her mother?

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Kok bisa ya aku cuma dikira teman - nya Nirmala .... How could she think i'm just Nirmala's friend....

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Lan... tance...

12 days ago