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Valeria CGR

gold Spanish 1000

May 26, 2024
Spanish, English

Translated Sentences Total 3764

SPA Spanish 3764

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Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

go wreck them, dom. ve a destruirlos, dom.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

bump choca

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

I guess some things never change. supongo que algunas cosas que nunca cambian.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

sigh ahh

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

don't overdo it, dom. go home and get some rest. No te excedas, dom. ve a casa y descansa un poco.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

yuna... just let me recharge like this. just one minute. yuna... solo déjame acostarme así. solo por un minuto.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

bump choca

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

but he's sure come a long way. pero en definitiva. ha recorrido un largo camino.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

he used to be nothing but a sorry delinquent. No era nada más que un lamentable delincuente.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

slide desliza

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

you call yourself a student? dye your hair black and clean yourself up. ¿Te haces llamar estudiante? Tíñete el pelo de negro y arréglate.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

just who do you think you are? ¿pero quién te crees que eres?

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

I totally thought you were a college student. creí que eras un estudiante universitario.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

I have to race vinny in the final race. Tengo que competir con vinny en la carrera final.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

I'm going to beat that oversized bull and win. no matter what. Voy a vencer a ese toro enorme y ganar, pase lo que pase.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

things are different this time. las cosas son diferentes ahora.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

I'll beat monster. venceré a monster.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

great race. gran carrera.

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

wipe limpia

23 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.117

I'll just take a quick break before getting back to training. tomaré un pequeño descanso antes de volver al entrenamiento.

23 days ago