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Sep 19, 2023
Indonesian, English

Translated Sentences Total 5340

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Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

although the power posed no serious threat to him... meskipun kekuatannya tidak menimbulkan ancaman yang serius baginya ...

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

crack Crack

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

...dumas sought to test it. ...dumas ingin mengetesnya.

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

fshhh fshhh

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

shhhh SHhhh

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

wary of bam’s new power... waspada dengan kekuatan baru bam...

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

...was the right timing. ...adalah waktu yang tepat.

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

what bam wanted to create... yang bam inginkan...

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

but that’s not what bam was trying to achieve with this volley of arrows. tapi bukan itu yang ingin dicapai bam dengan tembakan anak panah ini.

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

...that an attack like this could possibly deal a critical blow to him. ...serangan seperti ini mungkin bisa memberinyapukulan telak.

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

there’s no way... Tidak mungkin...

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

...was well aware of that. ...sangat sadar akan hal itu.

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

and bam... dan bam...

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

this attack isn’t nearly strong enough to defeat dumas. Serangan ini tidak cukup kuat untuk mengalahkan Dumas.

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

wham wham

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

boom BOom

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

boom BOom

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

boom Boom

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

fwam fwam

26 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 208

pang pang

26 days ago