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aishah faqihah
June 05, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 112

MAY Malay 112

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The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

and a world of primitive battles for survival arrived. dan dunia pertempuran primitif untuk kelangsungan hidup pun tiba.

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

who? siapa?

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

interrupt? mencelah?

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

...interfered. ...campur tangan

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

that is, until something... itu satu, sehinggalah pada suatu saat...

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

she looked on as the culture humanity had built was destroyed, Dia hanya memandang ketika kemanusiaan dihancurkan,

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

hadelaward simply watched. Hadel hanya memerhati.

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

starting to flow now. Mula bergerak sekarang.

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

not good. Ini tidak baik.

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

no change. tiada perubahan.

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

but. tapi.

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

stagnant. bergenang

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

the dream isn’t ending... mimpi ini takkan berakhir...

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

hahaha... hahaha...

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

haha... haha...

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

CHEW gigit

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

WOBBLE goyah

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

RUSH cepat-cepat

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

CREAK berkeriut

16 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

u-understood! F-faham!

16 days ago
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