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Queen Irinna
June 16, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 96

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The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

so I’ll go there first. JADI, SAYA AKAN KE SANA DAHULU.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

japan is closest, and we’re on good terms, more or less, JEPUN ADALAH YANG PALING DEKAT DAN KITA ADA HUBUNGAN YANG BAIK, LEBIH KURANGLAH,

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

got it. I should get moving too. AMBIL MAKLUM. SAYA PATUT BERANSUR JUGA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

shiyeon kwon, lolikiano mistrim, and seonil shin have been dispatched again. SHIYEON KWON, LOLIKIANO MISTRIM, DAN SEONIL SHIN TELAH DIHANTAR KELUAR LAGI SEKALI.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

that’s a silver lining. INI PETANDA BAIK.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

I guess some places are independently closing the rifts like arc company did. SAYA RASA ADA BEBERAPA TEMPAT MENUTUP RETAKAN-RETAKAN ITU SENDIRI SEPERTI SYARIKAT ARC LAKUKAN.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

oh? OH?

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

[mandatory quest: seal the dimensional rifts] one of the nine gates has collapsed. you must seal the dimensional rifts that have begun to open up in the real world. dimensional rifts: 28 quest reward: the gaia system’s complete preservation. quest failure penalty: the gaia system’s incomplete preservation. time limit: 21:19 [MISI WAJIB: BAIKI RETAKAN DIMENSI] SATU DARIPADA SEMBILAN PINTU MASUK TELAH RUNTUH. ANDA DIKEHENDAKI UNTUK MEMBAIKI RETAKAN DIMENSI YANG SUDAH MULA MUNCUL DI DUNIA YANG SEBENAR. RETAKAN DIMENSI: 28 GANJARAN MISI: Pemeliharaan sistem gaia sepenuhnya. PENALTI KEGAGALAN MISI: Kegagalan memelihara sistem gaia. HAD MASA: 21:19 minit

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

I’ll go plug up the remaining rifts in the meantime. PADA MASA YANG SAMA, SAYA AKAN PERGI TUTUP RETAKAN-RETAKAN YANG TINGGAL.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

yeah, do that. YA, BOLEH JUGA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

[mandatory quest: seal the dimensional rifts] one of the nine gates has collapsed. you must seal the dimensional rifts that have begun to open up in the real world. dimensional rifts: 28 quest reward: the gaia system’s complete preservation. quest failure penalty: the gaia system’s incomplete preservation. time limit: 21:19 [MISI WAJIB: BAIKI RETAKAN DIMENSI] SATU DARIPADA SEMBILAN PINTU MASUK TELAH RUNTUH. ANDA DIKEHENDAKI UNTUK MEMBAIKI RETAKAN DIMENSI YANG SUDAH MULA MUNCUL DI DUNIA YANG SEBENAR. RETAKAN DIMENSI: 28 GANJARAN MISI: Pemeliharaan sistem gaia sepenuhnya. PENALTI KEGAGALAN MISI: Kegagalan memelihara sistem gaia. HAD MASA: 21:19 minit

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

would you like me to look into it? KAMU NAK SAYA TENGOKKAN DALAM HAL INI?

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

what the hell are bely ledd and the gate of dan doing? APA YANG BELY LEDD DAN "gate of dan" SEDANG BUAT?

14 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

can’t I seal off where geumodo used to be? TIDAK BOLEH KE KITA TUTUP DI GEUMODO DAHULU?

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

there’s no time to waste... KITA PERLU BERTINDAK SEGERA ...

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

then the other nine gates will be attacked or freed. KEMUDIAN, SEMBILAN PINTU DIMENSI YANG LAIN AKAN DISERANG ATAU DIBUKA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

the real world will be turned upside down in the blink of an eye. DUNIA SEBENAR AKAN TERLINGKUP DALAM SEKELIP MATA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

you are right, master. Betul kataNYA.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33

the world really will descend into chaos. DUNIA BENAR-BENAR AKAN menjadi huru-hara.

15 days ago
The Gamer (S7) Episode 33’ll lead to a vicious cycle. ... IA AKAN MENDORONG KEPADA KITARAN YANG GANAS.

15 days ago
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