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Feb 20, 2023
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Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

...and even asha herself admitted it. ...甚至阿瑟自己也承认了。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

mirha said that was precisely what asha’s plan was... 美乐哈精准说中了阿瑟的计划。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

now that you’ve learned it, you can tell how bhavati kubera cannot be self-taught without a mentor, right? 既然你已经学会了,你也应该理解了, 布哈巴提 库佩拉不可能独自学会,对吗?

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

speaking of which, siera could’ve taught you much more than that, like other types of magic or transcendentals. 说到这个, 希艾拉可以教给你更多的东西, 例如其他类型的魔法或超越技。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

uh, please... I can’t even remember clearly. 呃,不用了… 我都已经记不起来了。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

once again, thank you. 还要再次感谢您。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

having that information helped with image training, which helped with my practice. 那些信息有助于我在脑内想象训练, 对实践也有帮助。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

ah... that bracelet was different since you’d let me know about its transcendental. 啊…这和手镯不一样, 因为我事先知道手镯的超越技是什么样。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

didn’t you say you learned fast about how to use that bracelet’s transcendental? 你不是说你很快就学会了 如何使用那个手镯的超越技吗?

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

right, although I’m just saying this out of my imagination since I know nothing about transcendentals. 没错,因为我对超越技完全不了解, 所以接下来的建议只是在纸上谈兵。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

so you don’t get an itchy feeling like it’ll unleash a transcendental skill at all? 所以你对它的超越技 一点感觉都没有吗?

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1) I don’t see myself using this anytime soon. 我不觉得我 在短时间内能用好它。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

da dun 呼呼

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

it does have a broader attack range than the sword of return, but I just can’t figure out its transcendental... 它的攻击范围的确比回归之剑要大, 但是我感受不到它的超越技…

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)


10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

she seemed to be close with god agni as well. 她好像和阿格尼大人 也很熟。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

whish 呼呼

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

whoosh 呼呼

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)

priest claude’s just watching that girl all day. 克洛德神官已经盯着 那女孩一整天了。

10 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 265 - Kubera and Kubera (1)


10 days ago
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