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Emily Low
June 05, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 136

MAY Malay 136

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Lady Liar Episode 36

(to be continued) (Akan disambungkan kemudian)

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Really? Art supplies? Yakah? Bekalan alat-alat seni?

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Hey, Óliver, is this your first time traveling as the common people do? Wahai Oliver, adakah ini kali pertama kamu melancong seperti orang biasa?

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Yes, I know. Betul, saya pun rasa pelik.

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

That’s odd. Peliknya.

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

No, I think I’ll take a nap. Somehow, after the most plain, uneventful evening, I’m exhausted. Tak apa, saya akan berehat sekejap. Entahlah, selepas mengalami waktu petang yang paling bosan dan tenang ini, saya pula berasa penat lelah.

15 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Well, we have plenty of time before the welcome party. Shall we play cards? Kita ada masa lagi sebelum parti penyambutan itu. Apa kata kami bermain kad?

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

And don’t call me Adara, please. Dan jangan panggil saya Adara, tolonglah.

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

You may not. Tidak boleh.

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Why not? Kenapa?

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

And please, don’t tell anyone. Dan tolong, jangan ceritakan kepada siapa-siapa.

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

I-It’s nothing. Ta-tak mengapa.

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Come on, Adara! May I tell Óliver at least? Tolonglah, Adara! Sekurang-kurangnya izinkan saya ceritakan kepada Oliver boleh?

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

That’s the second time I’ve seen you scare a thief away! Yang ini sudah kali kedua saya ternampak kamu menghalau pencuri!

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Thank you so much, Adara. Terima kasih banyak-banyak, Adara

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Thank you. Terima kasih.

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

chuick! Cium!

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

What happened? Apa yang sudah berlaku?

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

See ya, miss! Jumpa lagi, cik!

17 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 36

Wh—? Ap-?

17 days ago
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