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Dienan Aulia

bronze English 300

June 25, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 331

ENG English 331

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Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Saran dari jomblo abadi : Kuncinya adalah ramah dan senyum yang lebar. an Advice from a forever single : The key is friendliness and a big smile.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Semoga sukses ya mengambil hati calon mertua. Good luck winning the hearts of your future in-laws.

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Z u u n g Z o o o m

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

BU K! ba m!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Grak! crack!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Buk! kick!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Bak! bam!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Z e b ! s t a b !

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Z e b ! s t a b !

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

D a r ! boom!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Wuuur! Whooor!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Wer! whoor!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Gila! Mereka brutal sekali! this is crazy! They're so brutal!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

P r a k ! crack!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Udah enak punya tangan dan kaki, malah pilih sayap dan ceker! hands and feet are good enough, yet you choose wings and claw!

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Zung zoom

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Kalian pada gak punya otak ya? You guys don't have any brains, do you?

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

B a k ! B a m !

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

W a a a a ! A a a a a !

12 days ago
Born from Death (SEASON 5) EP. 13 - The Ritual (3)

Khikhikhi.... Cantik kan? Sejak menerima darah suci, kami sudah menanggalkan kemanusiaan kami. Khikhikhi.... beautiful, isn't it? Since receiving the holy blood, we have stripped of our humanity.

12 days ago