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Valeria CGR

gold Spanish 1000

May 26, 2024
Spanish, English

Translated Sentences Total 3764

SPA Spanish 3764

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Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

monster?! ¡¿monstruo?!

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

dun tun

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

?! ?!

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

someone's coming! ¡Alguien se acerca!

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

swoosh fuoosh

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

swoosh fuoosh

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119 picking up the pace! …al aumentar el ritmo!

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

gyuchan is going to try to close the gap... ¡Gyuchan intentará cerrar la brecha...

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119 the time trialist. el contrarrelojista.

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

and the only one who can do that... Y el único que puede hacer eso...

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

...and breaking up their pacing. ...y descompensar su ritmo.

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

then someone has to start by breaking away... Así que alguien tiene que empezar escapándose…

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

BREAKAWAY escapada

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

the key to winning is breaking up his pacing! ¡La clave para ganar es interrumpir su ritmo!

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

gyuchan gong is their lead-out man. Gyuchan Gong es su lanzador principal.

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

the sprint is likely where they'll try to clench the win again. puede que intenten asegurarse la victoria otra vez en ese sprint.

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119 the final sprint against monster himself. el sprint final contra el monstruo en persona.

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

the biggest threat when racing them... La mayor amenaza al competir contra ellos...

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

I'll analyze our opponents and build a strategy. Analizaré nuestros oponentes y crearé una estrategia.

4 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.119

he's right. I'll start with whatever I can do right now. Tiene razón. Empezaré con lo que pueda hacer ahora mismo.

4 days ago