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bronze Romanian 300

Oct 24, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 338

RON Romanian 338

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Lady Liar Episode 5


1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

It’s a good thing your classmate is so easy on the eye, huh? E un lucru bun ca, colegul tau este atat de usor pentru ochi, huh?

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

And he is good-looking, as I live and breathe! Si este si frumos, asa cum traiesc si respir!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

He seems nice. Pare dragut.

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Don’t you worry, just greet him with a big smile. Nu te ingrijora, doar saluta-l cu un zambet larg.

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Oh, no. I´m not good at talking to people. Oh, nu. Nu ma pricep sa vorbesc cu oamenii.

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

I bet he is! Sigur este el!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Óliver Galcerán, your classmate? Oliver galceran, colegul tau?

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Who’s that? Cine e ala?

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

What? What is it? Ce? Ce este?

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Hm? Hm?

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

It’s so elegant, isn’t it? E asa de elegenta, nu-i asa?

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Blimey! What a magnificent house! Blimey! Ce casa magnifica!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

I’m so nervous! Sunt doarte emotionata!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Fix your hair and put your bonnet on! Aranjeaza-ti parul si pune-ti boneta!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Make yourself presentable, hurry! Fa-te prezentabila , grabeste-te!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Here we are, ladies! Aici suntem, doamnelor!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

Keep it if you wish. Poti sa il pastrezi, daca vrei.

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

It looks a lot like him! Arata foarte bine ca el!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 5

W-Wow, you are good! W-Wow, esti foarte buna!

1 day ago