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bronze Romanian 300

Oct 24, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 338

RON Romanian 338

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DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

WHAT ON EARTH... ce doamne....

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

THEY CAN’T EVEN SAY ONE SIMPLE WORD. nu pot spune nici cel mai simplu cuvant.

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

EMERGENCY CENTER centru de urgenta

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

THEY CAN’T MOVE BY THEMSELVES... nu se pot misca singuri...

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

THEY’RE PRETTY MUCH IN VEGETATIVE STATES... ei sunt mai mult in stare vegetativa...

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

EMERGENCY CENTER centru de urgenta

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

WHAT DO YOU MEAN...? ce vrei sa spui?

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

RESTRICTED restrictionat

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

RESTRICTED restrictionat

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

LOOK FOR YOURSELF. uita-te dupa tine.

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

WELL... THEY ARE NO DIFFERENT FROM THE DEAD. pai... ei nu sunt diferiti de moarte.

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

TIP TAP tip tap

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

I MEAN, IT’S NOT LIKE THEY ARE CORPSE, YOU KNOW? I FEEL BAD. ma refer, nu e ca si cum sunt cadavre, stii? ma simt prost.

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

MY GOSH, WERE THEY LEFT WITHOUT ANY SUNLIGHT? WHY DO THEY ALL LOOK SO PALE? doamne, au fost lasati fara lumina soarelui? de ce arat asa de palizi?

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

BOW inclin

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

THANK YOU FOR THE HARD WORK! va multumesc pentru toata munca grea!

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

I THANK YOU ON BEHALF OF THE OTHERS WORKING TILL LATE AT NIGHT. va multumesc din partea celor care muncesc pana tarziu.

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

SHE’S TAKING A BRAINWAVE TEST. SINCE THERE ARE SO MANY PATIENTS, SHE HAD TO WAIT FOR SO LONG. face un test pentru undele cerebrale. pentru ca sunt foarte multi pacienti, ea a trebuit sa astepte foarte mult.

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

HELLO. WE APPRECIATE WHAT YOU’RE DOING AROUND HERE. I’M KIM YOUNGKIL, FROM THE STATION. WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HER? buna. apreciem ca esti pe aici. sunt kim youngkil, de la statia de politie. unde o duci?

23 hours ago
DEEP Ep. 2 - Family

RATTLE rattle

23 hours ago