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bronze Romanian 300

Oct 24, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 338

RON Romanian 338

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Lady Liar Episode 3

Miss, I believe there has been a misunderstanding. doamna, cred ca este o neintelegere

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

I’m sure that your little angel will love me as well. sunt sigura ca si micul vostru ingeras ma va iubi, la fel de bine

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

What really matters is that the children there loved me sooo much! ceea ce conteaza este ca copiii de acolo m-au iubit fooarte mult!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

Oh, you won’t want me to bore you with the details, madam! oh, nu cred ca vreti sa va plictisesc cu toate amanuntele , doamna!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

In which position? in ce pozitie?

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

I see that you have worked at the Royal Academy for Girls. Vad ca ai lucrat la academia roiala pentru femei

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

Have you brought any references? ai adus ceva referinte?

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

Yes, I’ll see her for a minute. Da, o sa ma vad cu ea intr-un minut.

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

Cripes, I’d marry this parlor! Cripes, m-as marita cu acest salon!

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

I will let my mistress know you're here. o ii spun amantei ca esti aici

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

You can wait in the parlor. Poti astepta in salon

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

They wanted the Alvar family to have the best, they said. ei au vrut ca familia alvar sa o aiba pe cea mai buna , asa ziceau

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

The agency begged me to come as soon as possible because they know I’m rarely unemployed. Agentia m a rugat sa vin cat mai repede posibil pentru ca ei stiu ca sunt rareori libera

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

I know, but my last employer had to travel abroad and I suddenly became available. stiu, dar ultimul angajat a trebuit sa plece in strainatate si am devenit disponibila

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

Oh? I was told the appointment was for next week. Da? mi s-a spus ca sunteti programata pentru saptamana urmatoare

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

The agency sent me for the job interview. Agentia m-a trimis aici pentru interviu

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

Good morning! My name is Adara Linnea. Buna dimineata! Numele meu are Adara linnea

1 day ago
Lady Liar Episode 3

May I help you, miss? Cu ce va pot ajuta, doamna?

1 day ago