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Jorge Cerda
Nov 24, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 207

SPA Spanish 207

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Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

you know you're a terrible liar, right? Sabes que eres un terrible mentiroso, ¿verdad?

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131 run a tiny domestic, amateur tournament? ...para llevar a cabo un pequeño torneo aficionado doméstico?

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

don't you think it's bizarre? that someone would go through the trouble of creating a fake company... ¿No te parece extraño? que alguien se tomaría la molestia de crear una empresa falsa...

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

it's a shell company without a clear owner. es una compañía sin un propietario claro.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131 a company outside of korea. una compañía fuera de Corea.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

first of all, the source of the association's funds... en primer lugar, la fuente de los fondos de la asociación...

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

like what...? ¿Como qué...?

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

and it's chock full of shady stuff. y está lleno de cosas sombrías.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

I looked into a lot of things after I joined the league of street committee. Investigué muchas cosas después de unirme al comité de la liga de calle.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

"by chance"? ¿"por casualidad"?

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

and you just happened to see him get abducted... y por casualidad lo viste ser secuestrado...

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

you freak... when did you look all that up? Eres raro ... cuando miraste todo eso?

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

right? ¿DE Verdad?

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

he covers international sports, and he used to write a lot of articles about your uncle. Cubre deportes internacionales, y solía escribir muchos artículos sobre mi tío.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

seokkwon han, reporter at ys news. Seokkwon Han, reportero de Ys News.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

so it took a while to calm him down. así que me tomó un tiempo calmarlo.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

he seemed to be having a hard time due to the shock. Parecía que lo esta pasando mal debido al shock.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

I just saw the reporter get taken by chance. Acabo de ver como secuestraron al reportero por casualidad.

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

it's something dangerous, isn't it? Es algo peligroso, ¿no?

2 days ago
Wind Breaker [Part 4] Ep.131

bite agarrar

2 days ago