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aishah faqihah
June 05, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 112

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The Gamer (S7) Episode 39

I will leave the rest to you. Saya akan tinggalkan selebihnya kepada kamu.

15 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

I bought five more. Saya beli lagi lima.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

The minute I heard her breathe out “Prince” like the foolish teenage girl she was, Pada saat saya mendengarnya membisikkan "Putera" seperti gads remaja yang naif,

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

You’re going to grow out of this pants phase and then regret all the money you’ve wasted! Awak akan keluar daripada fasa seluar ini dan menyesal dengan semua duit yang awak dah bazirkan!

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

You’ve got money to waste? Awak ada duit sampai nak membazir?

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

What are you, a Prince? Awak ingat awak tu apa, Putera?

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

You’ve worn these for a week already, how do you not stink? Dah seminggu awak pakai seluar itu, tak berbau kah?

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

You’re just jealous that I have pockets and these are nice pants. Awak tu cemburu yang saya ada poket dan ini adalah seluar yang cantik.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

but I think I bought five more that looked the same and paraded around her in them. tapi seingat saya, saya beli lagi lima helai yang nampak sama dan berjalan di hadapannya dengan memakai itu.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

I remember being mad at her for a whole week about it. Saya ingat marah padanya selama seminggu tentang hal itu.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

It was a name she gave to me while we were in the prime of our bickerings. Itu adalah nama julukan daripadanya semasa kami sedang bertengkar.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [1]

I began to feel a little better about myself. Saya mulai berasa lebih baik.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [2]

All jeweled up. Almost obnoxiously so. semua benda dihiaskan, terlalu berlebihan.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [2]

And when I did get it, she threw a new case at me, Dan apabila saya menerimanya, dia melemparkan casing baru ke saya,

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [2]

she sent me the link to a new phone along with a thumbs up and a: dia menghantar saya pautan ke telefon baharu dengan emoji thumbs up dan:

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [2]

Later on, at our group project, Selepas itu, dalam kumpulan sembang projek kumpulan kami,

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [2]

No, really? Ya kah?

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [2]

It ended up kissing the floor in a violent death. Dan ia akhirnya terhempas ke lantai dengan kuat.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [2]

However, I did make sure to flaunt more of my wealth in front of her. Tapi, saya telah memastikan untuk menunjuk kekayaan saya di hadapan dia.

16 days ago
The Prince and The Wolf Episode 6 [2]

Ripped jeans aren't always the best article of clothing to parade around in the colder months. Seluar jeans yang terkoyak bukanlah pakaian yang sesuai untuk dipakai pada bulan yang sejuk.

16 days ago
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