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Oct 02, 2024
Japanese, English

Translated Sentences Total 1564

JPN Japanese 1564

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Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

to be continued 続く

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

since when have I ever needed anyone’s permission to do anything? 俺が動くのに いつから許可が 必要になったんだ?

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

hahaha, you’re kidding, right? ハッハッハ 笑わせんなよ

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

...then you’ll need my permission to pass. ...そのためにここを 通りたいと言うならば 私の許可が得る必要があるな!

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

if that’s why you came here... それがあなたがここに来た 理由ですか

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181


9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

I see... なるほど...

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

I don’t want any of the ten family leaders to die yet. 十家門の家主には まだ消えてほしくねぇ

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

...I’m against this fight. ...俺はこの戦争に反対だ

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

the truth is... 本音を言うと...

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

...but I’ve had a little change of heart. だが最近 心変わりし始めてんだ

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

well, I know that’s what I said before... 確かに俺は そう言っていた

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

why don’t you just look for a way out of the tower like usual? 塔の外に出る方法を 探すのが目的では?

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

I thought you agreed not to get involved with anything that happens inside the tower. あなたは塔の「中」で 起きていることには 干渉しないはずです

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

what are you doing here, urek? ここで何をしている ウレック

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

and for your information, we’re a lot more settled than you are. あと言っておきますけど まったくビビってませんから

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

I’m sure you didn’t come all this way to exchange silly jokes. 冗談を言うために わざわざここまで来たわけでは ないでしょう

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

you people have no right to raise children. 言っておくがお前らに 子育ての権利はねーぜ

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

says the guy who’s so scared of the ten great family leaders that he’s too afraid to settle down anywhere. what are those babes to you anyway? 十家門にビビりまくって 逃げ隠れしてるやつらがよく言うぜ お前たちこそ今更何の用だ

9 days ago
Tower of God [Season 3] Ep. 181

but I don’t see how this concerns you. why don’t you mind your own business? しかし分かりませんね なぜ今回のことで あなたたちが動くのですか?

9 days ago