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Feb 16, 2017
Japanese, English

Translated Sentences Total 35545

JPN Japanese 35545

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Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

To be continued. to be continued.

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14) I can reclaim the reality that was meant to be mine. 私が持って当然の 現実を取り戻すんだ。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

I'm going to travel back in time and erase this doomed possibility... こんな 間違った 可能性は なくして

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

so I could get the privilege to rewind time. ”時間”に逆らう資格を 得ようと思って。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

why are you pushing this far to obtain that power-- なんでそこまで その力を手に入れようと···

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

then why? それで?

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

avenging that primeval god will be impossible, with or without ananta's power. アナンタの力を手に入れたとしても、 彼に直接復讐することはできないだろう。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

...whereas ananta, no matter how mighty, is a mere creation who met their fate in d500. 始初神はこの宇宙の存亡とも 無関係に不滅だというから

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

primeval gods are infinite beings who transcend the fate of this universe... アナンタがいくらすごくても D500年に死んだ被造物だというだけで

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

that would be nice... but I don't think I could go that far. そうできたらいいけど、 じっさいそこまでは自信がない。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

so you can avenge that primeval god who talked you into that deal? あなたにそんな取引を 提案した始初神に 復讐でもしようとしているの?

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

but tell me. why are you sacrificing so many lives to possess ananta's power? それで、多くの人々を 犠牲にしてまでアナンタの力を 手に入れようとする理由は何?

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

...alright. let's just say your choice was influenced by that deal you made in the past. そう...その選択が純粋に 取引のせいだったとして。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

that's her. that's asha. アシャはいつもこうだ。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

she's doing it again. as soon as she finds her next victim, she dumps all her blame on them and walks away. まただ。盾にする対象さえ見つければ、 そっちに責任を転嫁して、自分は抜け出すってやり方。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

there's no way I would've made any other choice in my right mind. 私の完全な判断力で そんな愚かな選択をしたはずがない。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

no matter how I look at it, protecting rao was the only right choice. どう考えても ラオを守るほうが正しい選択なのに

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

...I became someone who always chooses paths that lead to the loss of family. その後も私は無条件に 家族を失う方向を選択する 人間になってしまったんだ。

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

having made that deal to sacrifice my family... 家族を捧げることを すでに取引した状態だから

3 days ago
Kubera [Season 3] Ep. 352 - The Snake King (14)

the choice I made was far from rational. あれは絶対に 正常な選択ではなかった。

3 days ago