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Ivana L

gold Czech 1000

June 20, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 1085

CES Czech 1085

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Lady Liar Episode 12

If I'd ever met you before, I'd remember for sure. Kdybych vás viděla, nepochybně bych si to pamatovala.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

The pretty prince! To je ten krásný mladík!

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

What treasures I’ve brought from our trip, my boy. Jaké poklady jsem si to přivezl, chlapče.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

As long as they treat my new collection of cravats with care... Tedy dokud s mými novými vázankami zacházejí opatrně…

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

I appreciate it, sir. Toho si moc vážím, pane.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

I’m sorry you had to wait for me. Omlouvám se, že jste čekaly.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

Miss Alvar? Slečna Alvarová?

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

You must be my new pupil, if I’m not mistaken. A vy musíte být má nová žačka.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

I apologize for my absence. Omluvte mou nepřítomnost.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

Gloups! Cože?

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

Nonsense! Nesmysl!

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

I wish he’d let me see his work. Kéž by mi ukázal své obrazy.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

And while we’re at it, we can go to the post office. A když už tam budeme, můžeme zajít i na poštu.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

Who the heck are you?! Kdo jste sakra vy?!

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

That’s right, madam. Přesně tak, madam.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

Excuse me, are you really Mister Galcerán? Promiňte, vy jste opravdu pan Galcerán?

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

Óliver Galcerán? Óliver Galcerán?

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

I decided to stay here and keep company with the ladies. Rozhodl jsem se zůstat a dělat tu dámám společnost.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

I thought you’d be in Valleblanco at this point. Myslel jsem, že už budeš ve Valleblancu.

7 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 12

My days as master of the house are over. Moje dny jako pán domu jsou sečteny.

7 days ago