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Ivana L

gold Czech 1000

June 20, 2024

Translated Sentences Total 1085

CES Czech 1085

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Lady Liar Episode 11

Wait, wait, wait!!! Počkat, počkat, počkat!!!

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Eh? Cože?

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

I love you, Óliver! Ólivere, miluju tě!

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

I adore you, Fiorina! Fiorino, já tě zbožňuji!

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Ha... Ha…

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Haha... Haha…

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

chuikkk! Muck!

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Yes, I feel it too. Ano, cítím to stejně.

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

I don’t know if it’s the night or the fact that we bumped into each other in this totally fortuitous way, but I... Nevím, jestli je to tou pozdní hodinou nebo tím, že jsme se tu jako zázrakem setkali, ale já…

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

You’d make me very happy… Fiorina. To byste mne velmi potěšila… Fiorino.

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

You are so right, sir. Máte naprostou pravdu, pane.

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

You can tell she’s a true lady. Ihned poznáte, že je to skutečná dáma.

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Thank you, sir. I came to find a book for Mrs. Linnea. Děkuji, pane. Paní Linneová mě požádala, abych jí přinesla knihu.

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

You must excuse my appearance, I didn’t think... Omluvte mou neupravenost, nenapadlo mne…

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Goodness gracious! I never realized how beautiful you are! Panebože! Nikdy jsem si neuvědomil, jak jste krásná!

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Miss Alvar! Slečno Alvarová!

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

You! Vy?

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Here! Tady?

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

In the middle of the night! Uprostřed noci?

9 days ago
Lady Liar Episode 11

Heavens! Mister Galcerán, I didn’t expect— Proboha! Pane Galceráne, vůbec jsem nečekala–

9 days ago